The Day I Met Gary Vaynerchuk

Aug 2011

Putting out the content is like wiping the crap out of your eye in the morning. It’s just the beginning.

The best person that talks about changing diapers on the Internet is going to make a lot of money.

That’s Gary Vaynerchuk. A guy who loves wine and turned to social media to talk about it. His candid words of wisdom later spilled out to two novels – Crush It and The Thank You Economy and when I found out he would be speaking in Pasadena I called my best friend and we hit the road to hear him speak.

I’ve read both of his books and I believe in his message but hearing him speak was a different experience. While we were traveling to Pasadena, Gary Vaynerchuk and I exchanged a few words via Twitter. Naturally I was ecstatic. He was telling me he was running behind. I asked him if he was bot or if his assistant was tweeting on his behalf. He was genuinely hurt. I only asked because he’s a celebrity. Don’t they outsource they social media? Shame on me for assuming. A guy who promotes human interaction and reality of social media certainly wouldn’t have a bot or an assistant run his account. I was talking to Gary Vaynerchuk. Imagine my surprise when he remembered me and our conversation. Yes, I was embarrassed and apologized profusely.

Gary Vaynerchuk is a true testament of the power of social media. He grew his family business from $4 million to $60 million. Anyone can talk about social media and tell you why it’s important for your business but Gary’s message is real. His language is crude and grabs your attention and he’s a no nonsense guy. He doesn’t sit there and tell you what social media channels to use instead he presents real life examples, case studies, and really makes you think about the impact. The light bulb goes off and stays lit well after. Most importantly, he stresses that if you don’t jump on board now you’ll miss the train.

If you get a chance to hear Gary speak, don’t miss it. In the meantime, do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of his books.

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