Here’s a story about a social media tool that lets you post live video and photos – for 24 hours only. Sound familiar? Well, when every social media channel available offers the feature to its users, it probably should! This week on the Social Media Help Desk, we’re talking stories. KWSM: a digital marketing agency President, Katie Wagner, is leading myself and Ivana in a discussion about these new capabilities, and chatting about customer reviews and last minute blog ideas.
Long gone are the days when all online users opened up Snapchat to send a picture to their friends. Today, the opportunities are endless, and every social media platform is getting in on the action. We’re breaking down all of the new story options. From group stories on Facebook to creator stories on YouTube, it’s apparent that stories are the new thing.
Ivana takes the reigns to explain how to make the most out of customer reviews. Reviews mean more to your business than just unsolicited feedback, and we’re discussing all of the ways you can make the most out of yours.
I’m up next with some ideas on how you can turn your older blog posts into fresh and innovative content. Don’t get stuck in an end of the year slump. The panel and I are going through a few ways to take old content, and make it green again.
84 percent of people trust online reviews as much as friends.
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