The ever-evolving world we call social media is constantly reinventing itself. It is important to stay on top of these changes to get the most benefits out of the different channels. Whether it’s more followers on Twitter, better exposure on Facebook or searching for those pins, these networks were meant to help build a community where people can share and engage with one another. It is best to stay up-to-date on the latest trends to get the most out of your social media use!
Tumblr announced an update to its search feature, which lets users view search results in a similar fashion to the all familiar dashboard. That is opposed to the more traditional image search-style that Tumblr has been employing. Actually, you can now view search results in either format. If you prefer the image search style, stick with grid view, or if you like the dashboard look, switch over to list view. For more on this story, click here.
Instagram isn’t trying to be the next Google, serving millions of dynamically chosen ads tailored to specific search results. It would rather be the next Vogue, commanding high ad rates for pretty sponsored posts that users may one day value as much as photos uploaded by their friends. In the last month brands such as Levi’s, Lexus, Michael Kors and Ben and Jerry’s have bought sponsored posts on Instagram. Unlike almost any other ads on the Internet, the posts don’t have outbound links to these companies’ websites. Instagram screens the ads for quality control. The images have more in common with the kind seen in print media than the ones that populate Facebook and Twitter. Click here to read more.
Google is using its Google+ social network to create ads but not run them, the company announced on last week. The “+Post” ads will run on Google Display Network, which includes 2 million sites. The ads look just like Google Plus posts but appear outside the network. For example, if you’re in the market for a minivan, you might see a Toyota ad pop up on AutoTrader or another car enthusiast site. In that sense, the units behave much like Facebook’s promoted posts. The Google+ ads don’t include recommendations, though — only public posts from Google+ users. A comment from someone in one of your circle won’t jump to the top, like one in Facebook’s Sponsored Stories will do. More on this story here.
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