Lights, Camera, Action!
Video is on its way to replacing pictures as the most popular form of social media content. As a result, Twitter just released a new video feature on their mobile application.

Users can now shoot videos within the Twitter application and then share them with their followers.
There are some things 140 characters simply can’t cover effectively and video is a great solution to that problem. Tweets that contain a video receive 28% more engagement compared to a tweet without video.
Twitter also allows you to record multiple video clips and combine them into a 30 second film.
Are you ready to produce your first Twitter video?
Follow the steps below to tweet your first Twitter film.
First, you will want to open the Twitter application on your phone and click the pen and feather button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
Once that is open, touch the camera button in the bottom left hand corner.
From there, you will want to switch to video mode. You can do this by tapping on the camera button.
Once you are on that screen, you can start recording your first video.
However, before you begin, you will need to find something interesting to record. This could be a special activity happening at your office, an event your work is hosting or even a day on the ski hill. Make sure you keep a steady hand and try not to drop your phone.
You can start recording video by pressing down on the video camera button. When you want to stop recording simply lift your finger up from the screen.
Twitter will let you record as many clips as you want for a total of 30 seconds of video. If your event lasts all day, try taking short 6-second video bursts throughout the day and combining them into a longer video.
You can rearrange the video clips simply by changing the order in which they appear in the editing timeline. You can also delete a clip by swiping the image in an upward direction on your phone.
Once you have created the perfect video to share with your followers, you can click the done button in the top right hand corner of the screen. Twitter lets you add 140 characters of text to your tweet before you send it off to your audience.
Try brainstorming a clever hook that will intrigue your followers and make them want to watch the video. Our video tweet is “An exclusive look inside our new office space,” with a video giving visitors a tour of our new office.
If you would like to receive more Twitter tips and information about how to use other social media channels, please follow @kwsmteam on Twitter.