While you may be familiar with how to untag or hide photos on your Facebook profile, did you know that Instagram has the same features? I know… you just figured out how to save a post on Instagram. The app has been consistently adding new features, but knowing how to tag and untag a photo can help you eliminate spam or unprofessional photos that other users try to tag you in. If users on Instagram tag your business in their photos but those photos do not relate to your brand’s content or seem unprofessional, then it is time to untag yourself.
Hiding a Photo from Profile
You may also simply hide a photo from your profile, which means you will remain tagged in the photo but users will not see it underneath your profile and photos of you. However, the original photo that was posted on the other user’s profile will still include your Instagram name tagged in it and will link back to your profile.
Untagging a Photo from Profile
Untagging is the best option if you no longer want to be connected with another user’s post in any way. If users with inappropriate content or content simply unrelated to your brand tag you in their photos, it’s best to completely untag yourself to keep a clean and consistent image for your brand.
First, click on the person icon on bottom right to view your profile.
Next click the person icon on the middle right to view “Photos of You.”
Second, choose the photo you would like to untag yourself from or hide from your profile. Click on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the photo, and choose “Photo Options.”
If you wish to untag yourself, click on “More Options” and then “Remove Me from Photo.” (You may choose “Hide from Profile” if you simply choose to hide but not untag yourself).
Large businesses may have a myriad of users tagging photos of them and it can be hard to regulate. Try to pay attention to the photos that you definitely do not want being connected to your brand. For small businesses, it is may be easier to regulate the tagged photos of your brand. Whatever the size of your business, remember to stay aware of the overall aesthetic and the types of users who are engaging with your brand and with whom you want to engage.
50% of people use Instagram to discover new brands.
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