How to Tell Stories Using Instagram’s New Slideshow Update

Mar 2017
Photo Credit: @merileeloo

Facebook Inc. took storytelling to new levels last week when they released Instagram Slideshows. Users are now able to post a series of 10 photos or videos within one post. The pictures appear as a single post on your page, with the exception of a blue icon that indicates that there’s more to see with the slide of a finger.

How it works

  1. Tap on the plus sign icon as you would when uploading one picture.
  2. Click on the multiple squares icon in the bottom right corner of the picture.
  3. Choose up to ten pictures.
  4. Select a filter for each picture, or if your team #nofilter skip this step.
  5. Drum up a captivating caption for your collection of photos and tag other accounts on each individual photo.
  6. Wow your audience!

Using Instagram Slideshows

Here’s why you should be as pumped about this feature as we are! Instagram has gifted businesses with a new way to tell their story with their audience. Use these four ways to leverage the power of Instagram Slideshows.

Promote Events

If you have a reoccurring event, the slideshow feature will come in handy. Arrange a collection of the best moments from your event and share them with your followers. They won’t disappear without your permission, so this is prime material to use when promoting your next event. And anyone who missed your Instagram story within those 24 hours would still be able to witness all the fun on your page.

Demonstrate Tutorials

Good news—if you don’t want to shoot a video take a series of up to ten full-sized stills instead. Giving visual step-by-step instructions that demonstrate the different ways to use your product will command your audience’s attention. Use this opportunity to show them how your product can benefit them. This will entice people to try it out themselves.

Giving visual step-by-step instructions that demonstrate the different ways to use your product commands your audience’s attention. Share on X

Tease Your Audience

Promoting a product launch? Give your audience a sneak peek through close-up shots and behind-the-scenes footage. Combining videos with stills allows you to get more creative with promotions and help create a buzz around your new product. Just don’t forget to create a cliffhanger so your audience is begging for more.

Host a Contest

If you’re hosting a contest on Instagram the slideshow is an easy tool for voting. Simply number each submission and encourage your followers to vote for their favorite in the comments. When using this feature for a contest, it’s important to note that you are only allowed ten images or videos per slideshow. So if you have 20 submissions, you will need to divide them into two separate posts.

The release of Instagram Slideshows doesn’t mean that we should abandon Instagram Stories. Both can be used to tell your business’ story. Like every other social media tool, these features should be used strategically and creatively to incite the best response from your followers.

We have more Instagram tips for businesses in our blog. Follow the path to Instagram success.



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