How to Improve Your Facebook Page's Reach

Nov 2012

By now, you probably know that not all your fans see your Facebook fan page’s posts (a typical Facebook post reaches only 17% of its audience). I can tell you from personal experience that I “like” a total of 180 pages on Facebook, but I only see a handful of posts from a fraction of those pages.

Why don’t we see all of our “liked” pages’ posts? Facebook doesn’t dump every post chronologically into its users’ newsfeeds; it uses an algorithm called “EdgeRank” that combines a number of different factors that determine how posts show up on newsfeeds. Unfortunately, that means it’s harder for everyone who uses Facebook as a business marketing tool to reach their audiences.

Facebook continually tweaks and alters its algorithms, but one thing is clear: Your Facebook reach isn’t going to improve without effort on your part. So what can you do to overcome these EdgeRank limitations and get your posts in front of as many fans as you can?

Post Regularly: One of the major factors of the EdgeRank algorithm is that it takes into account a page’s activity. If the page is more and consistently active, then Facebook will rank that page’s posts higher.  More updates mean a page that’s alive and fresh. Also, if you post regularly, your fans will be more inclined to go to your page directly because they know that can rely on you updating.

Post at Different Times of the Day: If you’re posting at same set times every day, you’re very likely reaching the same people every time. Different people go on Facebook at different times of the day. By mixing up your posting schedule, you could reach new people, who could in turn engage more with your content, resulting in a bump in your page’s EdgeRank.

Post Different Types of Content: Mix up your posts with more photos and videos. Text-only posts can get boring, but media posts have a stronger impression on users, and are more likely to elicit engagement, which of course will impact your page’s EdgeRank.

Have you been doing these three things? Try them out, and let us know if your page’s reach improves!






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