Instagram continues to grow. With the new addition of longer videos and updates to the selling options, it shows no signs of stopping. Instagram continues to be one of the strongest platforms for influencers, and it can be key to growing your brand’s visibility. It is vital that your posts look amazing and stand out when people scroll through their feed.
Here’s how can you make your images pop.
Pay Attention To Lighting
Lighting is the most important piece to keep in mind when you’re taking pictures. Dark or muddy photos limit the detail and can make it difficult to see what’s in the photo. On the opposite end, too much light can wash out a picture. Plus, if your subject is a person looking into bright light, chances are they won’t be able to give you their best smile. Overexposed images are difficult to work with, and will almost certainly cause users to scroll past your work.
Make Your Picture A Composition
A picture is far more than just the person or item you’re capturing. If you are taking a picture of a person, don’t just think about them. What’s behind or in front of them? Are they dead center, or off to the right or left? Does the scenery around them detract or add to your focus? You should consider all of these enhancements before you post.
The famous “rule of thirds” is a great guideline to follow. Imagine a grid that splits your image into nine pieces, each one helping to build the composition. Luckily, most smartphones have a feature that allows you to place a grid on your camera so you can get the best-looking composition possible.
Take Advantage Of Post Production
One of the best features on Instagram is the ability to edit your photos before they go live. Even if you love your picture in the moment, take advantage of the edit tools. If your picture is somewhat dark, you can help by raising the brightness. Using the saturation tool to bring out more color is almost always the right call, and a slight rise in sharpness can bring more clarity to your image. Remember, the more color and depth, the more likely people will stop and pay attention. Take the time to play with a few images and get a feel for the post-production tools so you can pull the most out of each image.
With the continued rise in popularity, it’s vital to master your Insta-game now, especially with the new Instagram TV launch. More people are using Instagram, so make the most out of your channel!