Social media has many caveats. With frequent updates and resurfacing content, social media changes rapidly. Be sure to keep up on the most pressing and intriguing issues to help you master the art of social media. Using social media is one thing but using it well is the key to online success. Stay updated and stay informed with the latest social media news.
Most Fan Page owners like to think they run their page better than the rest. However, there much more bad or mediocre Page Admins than good ones. So hat makes a bad (crappy) fan page admin vs. a good one. 7 things a Crappy Fan page Admin does.
So again and again businesses are looking for the ROI of their social media. How much is the Facebook page bringing in? Is Twitter generating sales? Has our bottom line increased since we started social media? All these questions are normal, however the answers are not. Here’s a look at how you can measure your ROI. Social Media ROI.
Its mysterious origin dates back thousands of years. Lore of the fermented dairy drink’s seemingly magical health benefits endured through the generations by word-of-mouth. Then, social media raised it to royalty. Today, a company called Lifeway Foods makes close to $100 million annually selling kefir, a probiotic beverage often compared to yogurt. Here’s how.
Instagram is accompanied by web profiles in the first true attempt from the photo-sharing service to provide users with a more complete version of user identity accessible through the web. In essence, it’s most everything you know about your profile page from your Instagram mobile app, but available on the Web. This comes at no surprise since Facebook now owns Instagram. See what’s in store.