How Facebook is Competing with YouTube for Optimum Video Display

Aug 2015

It seems every time you turn around, Facebook is implementing changes that allow the platform to compete with other major players in the social media world. Most recently, Zuckerberg and his team have set out to improve their video features, making Facebook less like a newspaper and more like a television news channel. These changes will allow business pages to add categories and a featured reel to their video tab, streamlining the process of video sharing to directly rival Youtube. What does this mean for your business? Well-crafted videos posted to Facebook have an even greater chance of being viewed by a target audience, leading to increased sales and growing brand awareness.

Photo credit: @tomcroucher

What It Will Look Like

The beauty of the featured video is it gives your fans an immediate contextual example of what your business is all about. Additionally, if you have a number of videos, you can choose to promote one particular initiative or campaign with a featured video, drawing attention to a specific point of focus for your business. Lastly, the implementation of categories and playlists will bring better structure and context to your reels, making it much simpler for your fans to navigate your content. 

When It Will Happen

This change is scheduled to take place in the next few weeks, and pages will receive the design update automatically. If you don’t choose to set a featured video, videos will automatically populate in chronological order, displaying titles, lengths, “Like” counts, and views. At last, Facebook has a better method for organization than a mass lineup of video clips listed chronologically.

It may seem tough to keep up with Facebook’s continual upgrades, but each update is usually to the benefit of the user. In this case, the new video feature on Facebook is very impactful. Video views increased by 50% and reached 1 billion views total from May to July. Therefore, if executed properly, videos can have a noticeable, positive effect on your channel’s organic reach.

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