How Attending Company Events Helps with Content Creation

Oct 2016


One of the most important parts of good social media management is posting quality content. Relevant content that stands out and is important to your audience can determine how successful your channels become and how big of an audience you grow. Many social media accounts curate content from other online sources or continuously post links to their website. Over time, over-used content becomes stale, and your audience will begin to tune out. Updating your channels with current photos and videos from recent events can help to grab your audience’s attention and draw them back into your message.

At your next company event, keep your social media top of mind. Are the things at the event that can turn into good content for your channels? Delegate the responsibility or take it upon yourself to keep an eye out for anything you want to show off on your social channels. Use this event to show off your company’s culture and what a “day in the life” really looks like.

Facebook live has become increasingly important over the last few months. There is no more perfect opportunity than while attending an event. Just whip out the camera phone and start streaming live to all of your followers. This video will be saved to your Facebook page for you to save and use for future content generation.

Interacting with other companies at certain events? Capture these moments like these! Photos of your company interacting with others can turn into great content for social. Post these photos and tag the appropriate companies in hopes of getting in front of their audience and building a further relationship with them online.

Company events can be a gold mine for content creation; don’t miss out on the opportunity by forgetting about the social aspect. Your audience wants to see authentic content that shows off your values and company personality. Let your true identity shine through your social channels and the genuine, engaged online community will follow. Want to learn more about the KWSM company culture? Read about our company outings and how we celebrate workiversaries here!


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