Much like launch pads help spaceships defy gravity and send astronauts hurling into space, an effective landing page can skyrocket your company’s exposure and have you exploring exciting new territory: major sales. Here’s why creating a landing page is one step for consumers and one giant leap for your business.
What they Entail
To the untrained eye, a landing page will look identical to a standard website but there are some serious incentives to incorporating these simple sites into your sales strategy. A landing page does not include a top bar navigation option, which can easily distract consumers away from your objective: closing the deal. Your website’s homepage should never be used as a landing page because it can confuse your average buyer with mixed messages. The job of a landing page should be simple: tell visitors what you want them to do and why they should do it. We recommend limiting the text to fewer than 1,000 words and include key information like a brief description of the offer, an image or video, and a call-to-action button. The call-to-action button is the most crucial component because it captures your customer’s information and can help you clearly define your audience.
When to Use One
Now that you know how easy and effective landing pages are, you might be eager to start using them on everything but slowdown, Sport, you don’t want to it come off as spam. Much like your company’s cornerstone, your landing page should focus on value. Never create landing pages for general things like downloading a fact sheet or contacting your business because those can be included on your actual website. Use landing pages for specific offers like webinars, vouchers, and buying products.
If you’re interested in creating a landing page for your product but don’t have the expertise to pull it off, contact us for a consultation!