7 Writing Prompts for Your Next Blog Post

Jan 2015
Photo credit: kristinclarkfsu
Photo credit: kristinclarkfsu

Making a commitment to blogging is a great way for businesses to stand out. Along with establishing thought leadership in your industry, this practice can drive more web traffic and introduce people to your business that may never have noticed you otherwise.

Despite the many benefits to blogging regularly, coming up with creative posts is sometimes easier said than done. Next time you find yourself getting stuck in a blogging slump, try one of these writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing.

  1. Talk about the future.
  • Where do you see your industry headed?
  • Is there a statistic that’s caught your eye?
  • Are there any trends that may have significant implications?
  • How might your business adapt?
  1. Debunk a misconception.
  • What’s a myth circling around your industry?
  • How do you think this falsehood was started?
  • What’s the real story?
  • How can we change this perspective?
  1. Explain what makes your business unique.
  • How does your business operate differently?
  • What inspired this perspective?
  • What changes have you seen in doing things your way?
  • How have others responded?
  1. Share a success story.
  • How has your business made an impact in someone’s life?
  • What was their situation before meeting you?
  • How did they find your business?
  • Who were some key players in this person’s story?
  • How did you help him or her? (Be specific.)
  1. Describe your hiring process.
  • What is your process for acquiring new talent?
  • What do you look for?
  • Why is this important for your company’s success?
  • How does this play into your company’s culture?
  • If there is an opening, how does someone apply?
  1. Compare two of your company’s products or services.
  • In what situation would someone decide between them?
  • What’s the story behind each of them?
  • What are the strengths of each?
  • Why might someone choose one instead of the other?
  • What would be a better scenario for choosing the runner-up?
  • Where can someone purchase the product or get more information?
  1. Address a common question.
  • What is the most common question your customers ask you?
  • Why do you think the question is so popular?
  • How do you typically respond?
  • Are there any situations where this answer wouldn’t be true?
  • How can people ask you their other questions?

How do you come up with blog ideas when your creative juices are running low? Share your suggestions in the comments!

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