The key to finding a job you love isn’t always just the work you do, it’s the people you work with. As a leader, it’s important to create an atmosphere where employees look forward to coming to work everyday. Employees are happier at their jobs when they truly enjoy the people they interact with each day. Building a successful office culture is key not only in growing your company’s success, but also for the personal growth of each employee. Here are some tips from our own closely-knit culture at KWSM:
Be Personable
Starting a new job can be intimidating, but starting it off on the right foot is important. Encourage your team members to get to know one another. Part of business is socializing, and if your team participates in bonding experiences like a Happy Hour or a monthly event it relieves stress and reminds them why they are happy to work for your company. Remember, there’s a fine line between being personable and getting personal – the first is a must, and the second is okay within limits.
Keep It Professional
Employees respect superiors and peers who can keep things professional. No one likes a boss that makes inappropriate comments, or a coworker who teases others or slacks off in their work. Set an example of professionalism for your employees, and encourage them to prove why they are an asset of the team. This will increase respect among everyone in the company.
Work Hard, Play Hard
In balancing the personal and professional mix at work, you must encourage your team members to schedule their time wisely. Incentives like a day off or that monthly team outing will motivate your team to do their best. Work-life balance is important, and your employees will feel appreciated when you incorporate fun activities into your daily routine. Reward team members with a handwritten encouragement note or a financial bonus for special achievements.
Weigh Attitude vs. Aptitude
While hiring for aptitude is important, hiring for attitude is equally important. Hiring employees with potential and great work ethic is a must, but no one wants an employee with a bad attitude. While skills can be taught, attitude is hard to change. A leader would much rather mold an individual with less experience and a positive attitude than an experienced individual who refuses to acclimate into your office culture.
Be a Team Player
No matter the size of your company, strive to have each of your employees be a team player. Encouraging others can turn someone’s stressful day into a brighter one. Create a culture where team members aren’t intimidated to ask one another for help. If one coworker is overwhelmed, it’s encouraging to see another coworker offer to help them in any way they can. Being in tune to each other’s needs can create a culture of overall respect and appreciation for your team members. Remind your team to build one another up, instead of getting competitive.
Want an inside look at our KWSM culture and behind the scenes photos? Follow us on Instagram!