4 Ways to Keep Your Cool While Managing Your Business’ Social Media

Jan 2018
Photo Credit: @pilotmadeleine

Stress gets the better of all of us at times, especially when where handling multiple moving parts and can’t seem to keep up. Social media—as much as we love it—can fit this bill at times. The fast pace world of Facebook, Twitter—oh Twitter—Instagram and LinkedIn can get overwhelming, especially when you’re busy running a business.

How do you keep up with current events? How do you avoid posting on the wrong platform? What if you don’t have time to post and fall behind?

It may not be as glamorous as it seems, but it is indeed effective and necessary. So we’ve identified all the ways you can help prevent mishaps and stress from hindering the success of your social media goals.

Set Your Social Media Goals

It’s not too late to set your resolutions. Jot down a list of 3-5 things you want to gain from your social media activity. It can be expanding brand presence, more sales, new customers—anything that you believe will make social media more successful for your business.


Creating a social media strategy can prevent frequent panic attacks that surface when you find yourself not knowing what to post next. Share on X

Create a Plan of Action

This is your most challenging step, but you can do it. Think about various actions you can take on social media to meet your goals to form a strategy. Depending on your type of business and goals this could be promotional sales, networking with other professionals or planning contests. Laying out this plan will prevent the frequent panic attacks you have when you find yourself not knowing what to post next.

Execute Your Plan of Attack in Advance

Now is the time to put your plan in place. In order to give yourself more breathing room to post, plan your content out in advance. Create content for the next three days so you can relax knowing that’s taken care of and you won’t feel flustered while taking care of something else. Don’t worry if something timelier comes up for you to post. This puts you in an even better position. Just post about that topic and reserve your content for another day.

Create by Curating

Do yourself and your audience a favor and don’t shy away from outside sources. It’s okay to throw an outsourced article on Facebook or retweet from another publication’s page on Twitter. Just be sure you are curating content from reputable sources that are relevant to your industry. Your audience will appreciate you as a resource and tagging the source could help you reach more people.


We’re sure your sad that this blog is ending, but we have even more exciting and effective tips for running your social media channels! Get all the juicy details on our Facebook page.



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