Step Up Your Instagram Engagement Game With These 3 Major Photography Tips

Jul 2018
Photo Credit: @songofstyle

Sure Instagram is filled with fun, creative and sometimes silly content, but the strategy should still be taken seriously. We’re not trying to be a kill buzz, but creating buzz around your brand is important to us. Sure your Instagram business page is more relaxed than your LinkedIn page but that doesn’t mean it should lack strategy. The layout of your Instagram feed can leave a lasting impression on newcomers. Learn how to strategically post your content to create a page filled with beautiful imagery and the right aesthetic.

Be Natural

Natural light will always be the holy grail of photography, whether you’re shooting for The Gram or a magazine. So when you’re taking promotional shots, head outside or open up those blinds and let the sun in. If you’ve lost your lighting, there’s no need to panic, umbrella lights can still save the day. Gone are the days when people are fascinated with Valencia and Sierra filters. We suggest playing with your brightness, contrast and highlight feature for a more natural effect.

Blend Your Aesthetic

This one can take a little strategizing, but it’s worth it. Set a tone for your Instagram page and stick to it. One way to do this is to edit all of your pictures to have the similar brightness and hues. You can also use the same subtle filter on all of your pictures. Just be sure it doesn’t affect your picture quality.

One of our favorite techniques is to pick up on a color or tone of a picture and choose the next picture accordingly. For example: if your latest post features a touch of blue, choose another picture that features the same color. Then repeat with the following picture. This strategy works with color pattern, texture, and hues. It helps you maintain a natural flow aesthetically.

Posting the same type of photos can get played out and boring. (This is your audience talking, not us!) Share on X

Add Diversity

Unless flatlays are your signature posts that you’ll never stray away from because it just works, listen carefully—stray. Diversifying your feed keeps your audience interested and wanting more. If you’re posting a row of flaylays for simple aesthetics, follow it up with a few posts with a model, or a human element at a different angle. Posting the same type of photos can get played out and boring (this is your audience talking, not us!) Before posting your next photo, think about the last few photos you shared and think how you can switch up your concept.

Want an inside look at how your Instagram content is performing? Learn how to navigate insights.




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