While you’re using social media to search for funny cat videos, world leaders are forging the technology into new tools. Facebook’s CEO is using social media to empower the poor while one governor is using it to resolve a growing issue. Here’s a look at what you might’ve missed in social media news this week.
Facebook’s Free Service Threatens World Bank
On Wednesday, The World Bank released a report that put Facebook at the top of the naughty list. The 359-page study explains how Facebook’s free internet service, known as Free Basics, is the antithesis of net neutrality and is harming similar sites that have data charges. Free Basics debuted in India last year as a place where people could access a limited number of internet services, including weather information, Wikipedia, and Facebook. A petition to keep Free Basics alive is currently gaining millions of signatures.
The White House Gets Hip
One of the most recognizable homes on the planet just joined a new social media site. On Monday, The White House debuted on Snapchat with a picture inside the Oval Office. By Tuesday, “WhiteHouse” had an official Snapchat story with a behind-the-scenes look at President Obama’s final State of the Union address. You may remember, in 2015 Mr. Obama created personal accounts on Twitter and Facebook, making him the most social media-savvy president we’ve ever had. If you want to see ten-second shots of the president’s palace, you can add “WhiteHouse” as a friend on the vanishing photo site.
Offenders Can’t Outrun Social Media
Deadbeats dodging child support should also stay away from social media after Arizona Governor Doug Ducey announced he would begin publicly shaming these types of offenders on Facebook and Twitter. The campaign to crackdown on the “worst of the worst” parents will feature photos, names, and money owed. In his State of the Union address on Monday, the governor explained, “If you’re old enough to father a child, then you’re old enough to accept financial responsibility for that child. If you don’t want your embarrassing, unlawful, and irresponsible behavior going viral: Man up, and pay up.” The campaign will showcase 421 men and women who owe a combined $20 million in child support. You can find these public shaming posts by searching #deadbeats.
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