‘You were just tagged in a photo’. It’s one of my most exciting and nerve-racking updates I get.
On one hand, I am excited to see a picture of what I was doing, but on the other hand, a little nervous about how that picture looks! You know the horror, when you look at a picture someone else posted and you are the only one with your eyes closed. Or, for some reason, the picture was taken at the only time in your whole life that your neck looks a series of rolls that your head sits on.
You laugh, you cringe, you like, and comment (hopefully you don’t untag), and after about 20 minutes, you have forgotten all about it when a video of a girl falling into a fountain at the mall posts on your friends wall. Hilarious!
What I love about social media is that even though I could try to be friends with any of the 500 million+ users on Facebook, I don’t. And I have a feeling you don’t either. Most of us are just friends with, well, our friends. Yes, we have the occasional guy from Norway who friend requested us and we couldn’t help but accepting it just to see what he was all about (I don’t know what his updates say anyways), but otherwise, we keep it in the family, so to speak. And on top of that, most of the people I am friends with (at least most of the people I interact with regularly), are my actual friends that I hang out with on any given night. And you know what we talk about when we do hang out??? Facebook. We already know how their week has been, we have seen the picture of them at the concert the night before, and we all know how many times they checked in to the gym that week (I get it, you work out a lot).
So even though I have access to all these people in all different cities, states, and countries, I spend my time interacting with the people I run into on a daily basis. That’s fun to me, and that’s why I keep coming back for more. Until, that is, I accidently post a test video on all my social media channels… Ignore!
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