Everyone and their grandmothers are on social media these days (I know both my grandmas are). With such a high volume of users, it’s an ideal marketplace for businesses. However, with so many different social media outlets and so many different ways of using them, it’s important to focus on your strengths and present yourself well on fewer sites, rather than having a shallow presence on too many of them.
For example, if you are a bakery owner, then you have a plethora of visuals at your sugar-coated fingertips. Play to your strengths on social media: Instagram your latest cupcake creation and share it on Facebook. If you are a mortgage broker, attempting to create a dynamic and thriving Instagram account would more than likely have you looking like a 60-year-old wearing skinny jeans trying to fit in with the cool kids. Instead, again, play to your strengths: Tweet facts about the mortgage industry, share articles on Facebook, or join real estate groups on LinkedIn. These are all social media avenues where that type of business can thrive.
If you or your staff are dynamic speakers or have the ability to create engaging videos, then YouTube is another appropriate avenue to engage customers. It gives them a snippet of who you are and can (quite literally) give your company a voice. On the flip side, if all you’ve got is a camera-shy secretary with a monotone voice dispensing facts about the latest book cataloguing technology, then it’s okay to steer clear of a YouTube presence (and probably recommended).
Essentially, it’s the “quality over quantity” principle. Just because you have a presence on every social media outlet known to man, does not mean that they are benefiting your business. In some cases it can actually be hurting it. So….once again…Play to your strengths and thrive!
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