One feature that is often overlooked on a Facebook page is comment replies. If you don’t know what comment replies are, let me explain. For a long time, all comments on Facebook just showed up in one simple thread below the post. If you wanted to respond to someone’s specific comment, you just had to post at the bottom and tag that person. Unfortunately, if you have a lot of comments, it tends to get cluttered with replies. This makes it difficult to track the conversation. Here is an example:
However, there is now a way for you to reply directly to comments, which creates a new thread with just that person. It easily allows you to track the conversation and keeps it from cluttering up the comments section. Here’s how it looks with comment reply turned on:
By default, comment replies are turned off, so you need to go into your page settings and turn them on. Simply go to your page settings at the top of the admin panel of your fan page. Scroll down to where you see the item ‘Replies.’ Click ‘edit’ on the right side, then check the box to turn comment replies on. This will now allow you to reply directly to someone’s comment on your Facebook page.
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Featured image credit: @cojhu