Google Analytics: Why It’s Important & LinkedIn Best Practices|Social Media Help Desk Episode 95
A world without the web seems unfathomable in the year 2020. Whether it’s building business connections on social media platforms or promoting your products & services on a website, it’s crucial to understand how it all works together. In this episode of Social Media Help Desk, Assistant Project Manager Alexandra Hall, Content Editor Jessica Bramall […]
Press Release Distribution: 5 Components of a Killer PR Pitch
There are often two approaches in PR, leveraging your connections and storytelling. While there’s still something to be said about being well-connected – see LinkedIn – relying on friends, old colleagues, and contacts who owe you favors can leave you without a lifeline in a time of need. When you need to get coverage tomorrow, […]
In The News: LinkedIn Introduces a Stories Product, Facebook Trains AI for 3D Photos, and Pinterest Launches a New App
Social media platforms are making user experience more accessible and exciting than ever before. Read on to find out if these updates worth the hype. In the news this week, LinkedIn introduces a stories product like snapchat, Facebook trains their artificial intelligence technology to create 3D photos, and Pinterest launches Pinterest Lite globally. LinkedIn […]
How To: Network on LinkedIn
LinkedIn can be a very powerful tool for your business if used correctly. Known as “the world’s largest professional network,” LinkedIn is home to over 600 million users in more than 200 countries across the globe. This means a lot of opportunities for your company to connect with employees, industry thought leaders, and partnering businesses. […]
The Rules Of Tweeting & New Facebook Features | Social Media Help Desk Episode 94
At KWSM, we specialize in finding the best content to post on our clients’ social media channels. With so many options at our fingertips, it takes skill and a lot of thought to create the perfect post. But it’s not just about picking the right words or pictures; it also requires hiring the right employees […]
Saying YES to New Challenges | Photoshop Mentorship Project
At KWSM, our motto has always been “Just Say Yes,” something our agency doesn’t just say, but practices each and every day. But what happens when our own skills and capabilities are hindering our ability to say yes? Yes to new creative ideas, campaigns, and glass ceiling propositions. As a whole, there’s not much (dare […]
Sharing Skills in a Creative Work Environment
The KWSM team recently participated in an internal mentorship program. We were divided into pairs of mentors and mentees. Each partnership developed and executed a plan for the mentee to learn a new skill relevant to digital marketing. I was selected as a mentor and partnered with Senior Digital Marketing Strategist Taylor Lizura for a […]
Our Friends at Working Wardrobes Need Our Help
Over the last decade, we have worked with hundreds of businesses and organizations at KWSM. One of our favorite parts of the job is that we develop long-term relationships with the companies we serve. When we help an organization tell their story, we become a part of their team. At KWSM, we are a […]