Join in on the Conversations

News flash! Britney Spears is engaged! Yes, I know what you’re thinking: I thought she was married with two kids already.  But no, according to the popular trends on Twitter, the has-been teen pop star clearly has done it again. Not that I care, but apparently a lot of other people do, so much to […]

New Year Resolutions for Social Media

It’s the end of the year soon.  Top 10 lists aplenty and lots of goals for the next year to set, so get off your duff, snap into a Slim Jim and get to it!!!  Here’s a simple primer to help guide your social media goals for 2012.

Teen’s Minor Tweet Causes Major Meltdown in Kansas

It’s great when the youth of today take trips to learn about the government.  In Kansas a group of high school students were there to hear Governor Sam Brownback speak.  During his presentation an 18 year old student tweeted that the Governor ‘sucked’ and the social media/PR games started. 

Social Media Business Trends for the Holidays

Happy Black Friday! I myself have never cared to brace hoards of people in the name of a good deal, which isn’t to say I don’t love a great bargain, because I really do. But the idea of waiting in line in the wee, cold hours of the morning, shoving and pushing strangers and waiting […]

Do You Have a Social Media Plan?

Odds are, you don’t.  Most of the people we have talked to don’t have a plan regarding their social media.  They open their computer, login to Facebook, and then start thinking about what to write.  Then they say that social media doesn’t work.  OF COURSE IT DOESN’T WORK!  Well, it doesn’t work if you don’t […]

Are You Being 'Social' on Social Media?

Something that I continue to come back to time and again is the concept that social media is all about being social.  Simple, right?  Then why isn’t everyone doing it?  Why is the vast majority of content thrown onto a page or scheduled, and then never looked at again?  If I wanted a news source, […]

Twitter Tips for Creating a Killer Hashtag

The hashtag that you can use in Twitter is a great way to generate very specific conversations.  Just type in #, then whatever you want to track.  If you’re taking part in a Twitter party this is how you’ll follow the conversation and hashtags will also let you track breaking news or trivial things.

Does Social Media Add to TV Ratings?

Social media is fun.  Television can be fun.  Combine the two and they should be huge amounts of fun.  That is sometimes the case for shows but it all comes down to demographics.

NBA Players Take to Social Media, Instead of the Basketball Court

By now you may know that the NBA season is on the verge of being cancelled.  The pre season was cancelled and the regular season may, or may not happen.  The last time an NBA season was in danger was in 1998, before the age of social media.  Even without social media the strike played […]

New App Blip is Addictive

Last week, I told you all about how I spend my Thursdays at the app store and this new app I discovered. Ever since I found, I’ve gotten my friends turned onto it and discovered some new connections. I’ve also kept people apprised of my thoughts that extend beyond 14o characters. The response have been overwhelming […]

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