How to Collect Leads Through Social Media

A man winning a giveaway that he entered as a result of B2B Lead Generation Marketing

New business is something all companies look for in their marketing efforts. While social media can be a key tool for branding and connecting with your audience, it can also be used as a lead generation method. Here’s how to collect leads through social media. Establish Your Brand Voice Your brand voice reflects your company’s […]

Top 3 Ways to Capture Marketing Leads

Trying to capture marketing leads is like searching for buried treasure. You know they’re out there, valuable and waiting, but how do you reel them in? That’s the million-dollar question.  We will share three proven tactics to help capture those elusive leads. By focusing on landing pages, promotional offers, and referrals, you can create a […]

Marketing Lead Generation Tips for Digital Fundraising Campaigns

Marketing lead generation tips for a fundraising campaign

Attracting and engaging potential donors is a strategic combination of communication and persuasion, where understanding and applying the nuances of marketing lead generation can make all the difference. Whether you’re a nonprofit organization or a business raising money for a special cause, your fundraising campaign must accomplish two key objectives — connect with potential donors […]

Case Study: How a Website Redesign Launched a New Brand

A case study where two sister companies used a website redesign to launch a new brand.

In the face of adversity, many businesses not only survived but thrived through the pandemic. Among these success stories were San Diego Family Mediation and Orange County Family Mediation, sister companies that saw an opportunity for growth. They aimed to extend their reach throughout all of Southern California, and to do so, they united under […]

Social Media Case Study: Using Compelling Stories to Craft Engaging Content

At KWSM, we know that original content is crucial for establishing our clients as leaders in their industries. In every piece of content, whether it be a blog post, social media post, white paper, eBook, newsletter, or video, our goal is to provide valuable information for the client’s target audience that showcases their brand and […]

Advice for New CEOs and Founders, from KWSM’s CEO

Updated August 8, 2023 While the journey to leading a company looks different for everyone, each CEO experiences their own successes, challenges, and failures that teach them valuable lessons along the way. These moments help mold them into better leaders, improving their own work and their ability to lead their teams. KWSM President and CEO, […]

Does AI Kill SEO-Rich Content? Bing and Google Say AI Helps Your Content Shine 

  There has been a lot of hyperbole, speculation, and faulty assumptions about AI’s role in Search as both Google and Bing create AI-enabled Search and Chat properties. Does AI, like Bing-GPT or Google’s SGE, kill SEO and content? As the VP of Strategy at KWSM, I went straight to the source – Michael Schechter, VP […]

How to Delete a Facebook Pixel from Business Manager | Updated February 2024

Updated February 1st, 2024 In the past few years, Facebook removed the ability to delete a Facebook pixel from Business Manager. However, there are solutions if you are aiming to stop using an outdated Pixel for your website. We recommend that if you do not want to use a pixel, ensure it is no longer […]

Core Values at KWSM a digital marketing agency