Why Networking on LinkedIn is More Important Now Than Ever

Why Networking on LinkedIn is More Important Now Than Ever

Linkedin has always proven to be an effective professional networking tool. Now, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it is becoming an increasingly necessary part of business. As many companies continue to conduct business remotely, opportunities for networking have greatly diminished, leading to more professionals finding themselves looking to network online. Shifting to Digital Networking When LinkedIn […]

Tracking Your Law Firm’s Success in Google Analytics

Your law firm’s website is up and running, but do you know if it is really working for you? Your website should be the hub of all your marketing efforts, and once you establish trust with your audience through the digital content that you create, your website should engage them to create conversions and leads.  […]

Should You Use Your Company Culture as A Marketing Tool?


Human connection is important, even on social media. In the world of digital marketing, it can be difficult to effectively communicate to your audience that your business is more than just a corporation – it’s made up of real people. To solve this dilemma, many businesses have begun showcasing their employees and company culture to […]

LinkedIn’s New Features for Company Pages

If you aren’t evolving, you’re dying. This seems to be the motto of our social networking-heavy world.    In early September, LinkedIn released not one, but three new features that are all aimed at helping businesses stay connected with their communities during this unusual time.   Utilizing these new features will help your team stay […]

5 Tips to Pivot Your In-Person Event to a Virtual Format

pivot events to virtual

Back in March, no one could have predicted how different our daily lives would be more than six months later. While some places in the country are beginning to look more familiar, there also are cities and states where we need to continue to adjust.  Social distancing is likely to stay around for a while […]

In the News: Google, Facebook, and YouTube Share New Ad Updates

As a business owner, you are always trying to find ways to raise brand awareness and encourage your audience to buy from you. Now, Google, Facebook, and YouTube are making changes to their ads platforms to help. Google Creates a New Way to Track Video Ad Conversions Although users may not physically click on an […]

Why Beauty Brands Should Use Pinterest

collage of photos attached on a board

Beauty brands reach a majority of their audience through social media. With different platforms to showcase products, there’s certainly an opportunity to get reach and engagement. But is there a platform that stands above the rest? Instagram may come to mind for beauty brands, but Pinterest is one of the best platforms to share your […]

Creating Effective Email Marketing Campaigns for Lawyers

Consumers are inundated with a wave of marketing messages every day, and it usually takes several online interactions with a law firm before a client decides that they want to work with you. Email marketing is a great way to engage your target audience and keep your referral partners up to date. Here are seven […]

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