Author: Shane Hiller

Graphic and Web Designer using AI Powered Design & Generative AI

Adobe Illustrator and the Future of AI-Powered Design

Adobe Illustrator’s AI-Enhanced Capabilities Regardless of your level of design expertise, enhanced tools are providing more flexibility, whether you design your own visual assets or hire an agency to handle the creative elements for you.  Adobe’s latest AI-powered Design features enhance one of the most powerful and popular graphic design

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What Is Google RankBrain And How You Can Improve Your SEO Ranking

What is Google RankBrain and How You Can Improve Your SEO Ranking

Are you endlessly tweaking your website, hoping to see a change in your metrics, yet still struggling to see a difference in your SEO rankings? The solution may be understanding and optimizing your site for Google’s RankBrain algorithm. Unlike traditional SEO factors like backlinks and content, RankBrain leverages machine learning

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My Experience As A Web Designer In The KWSM Leadership Program

When I was asked to join the KWSM Leadership Program, like most people when confronted with something unexpected and new,  I hesitated to accept . It’s human nature to be reluctant toward change, after all. But I remembered Shia LaBeouf’s famous advice, “JUST DO IT!” and dove head first into

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KWSM Mentorship Program: Email Marketing

As an agency, we pride ourselves in having a team of people who constantly want to learn and grow in our careers. In order to provide fresh ideas to our clients, we challenge ourselves to think outside of the box. Pushing the boundaries in this way can only be done

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Core Values at KWSM a digital marketing agency