Social Media By Generation: Which Platforms Each Age Group Is Using

Between Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z, social media use has become an integral part of everyday life. Whether they are using it to get in touch with old family members or looking for inspiration for their next project, the large landscape of social media has a place for everyone.  Each social media […]

LinkedIn Highlights Employees with a New Update


This week, we learn how much time teens really spend on their mobile devices, how much Instagram cares about their users, and what LinkedIn has planned for their new updates. Confirmed! Teens Commit to YouTube Most people assume that younger generations are obsessed with computers, smartphones, and social media. Well, now it’s confirmed! According to […]

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Posting a picture on social media takes about two seconds, but have you ever stopped and taken the time to analyze the photos you see? If you haven’t, you’ll realize that there is much more to a photo than what meets the eye. It just takes a few seconds to stop scrolling. For example, if […]

How to Use Images in Blog Posts

Blogging on a regular basis is a great way to create content for social media channels and drive traffic to your website. Though the text of a blog is the bread and butter of the content, photos are an important component for overall impact. These days, it’s almost expected that blog posts will contain an […]

Photo Sharing on Twitter is Now More Fun

You know Twitter as the micro-blogging social media channel. Maybe you’ve struggled with how to get your thoughts out in 140 characters or less. But now, that limited character count is taking a back seat to some new and improved photo sharing capabilities on the mobile app. You can now add up to four photos […]

Using Photos With Faces on Instagram to Increase Engagement

We all know about the popularity of the “selfie.” The Oxford Dictionary has even added the word with the meaning: “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website.” And now, a recent study reported by Mashable states that Instagram photos with […]

Pinterest: Visual Creativity

Honestly, I wasn’t too impressed when Pinterest was first announced. I got a few invites that I immediately deleted from my inbox and shook my head every time I saw a friend sharing a pin on Facebook or Twitter. However, tonight while browsing Facebook during a commercial break I noticed a friend posting pins about […]

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