Do You Have A Professional Online Presence?

There are endless ways to connect with people on social media – through our cell phones, computers and even high-tech watches. There are lots of social media channels to try, but the majority of them are generally for entertainment purposes and very few channels are strictly professional. LinkedIn is the exception. During our LinkedIn bootcamp […]

Why You Should Publish on LinkedIn Pulse

You’ve learned how to utilize LinkedIn Pulse to discover valuable content, but are you publishing posts yourself on Pulse? Composing your own blog posts on LinkedIn Pulse is one of the five top places you should be regularly posting content on LinkedIn. Here’s why you need to start sharing your own expertise on Pulse. Build […]

Texting Can Be a Literal Pain in the Neck

Technology. It does so much to enhance our lives. But it’s also wreaking havoc on our posture. I’ve been working with clients for years that spend 8 hours or more per day sitting at a desk looking at a computer screen which has its own consequences on posture –tight hip flexors, weak qlutes and backs, […]

5 Easy Fixes To Improve The Way You Write Headlines

You’re a good writer. You consistently write engaging articles, interesting blog posts, and all around solid copy. But what’s the point of publishing great content if no one’s reading it? Part of ensuring your writing gets read is sealing the deal with a clickable headline, and the best way to do this is by grabbing […]

Creating Content That Moves Consumers to Action

Content marketing is not a new trend for businesses; it is however, a strategy that is increasingly popular in marketing and branding circles. Whether it’s through blog posts, videos, photos, or social media posts, connecting and engaging with consumers through content is the goal for marketers. There is a fine line between speaking to your consumers […]

Facebook Allegedly Expanding Ads

On the surface, social media may seem like business as usual, but many of your favorite social media sites are rolling out new features that you need to try. Some rumors are flying about Facebook ads, Twitter is getting chatty, and there’s a smart phone notification you shouldn’t ignore. Here’s a look at what you […]

5 Ways To Optimize Your Facebook Ads

Facebook ads always seem to be changing, which can make ensuring that they reach your desired audience a bit tricky. Some general advertising tactics are tried and true, such as A/B testing, but others are unique to Facebook, making them more mysterious to the average small business marketer. Yet like everything social-related, the key to […]

How to Reach Local Customers On Social Media

Social media gives you the power to reach millions of people across the globe, but what if you’re just trying to connect with customers around the corner? The same technology that promotes your business internationally can also grow your business locally. Here are some easy ways to reach more people in your area using three […]

Why You Should Use Twitter Lists

You’ve joined the flock of tweeting birds on social media, but are you utilizing all of Twitter’s best features? Lists are a great way to not only better organize your Twitter feed, but also to increase the level of engagement you receive from others. A list is a curated group of Twitter users, with the […]

Joining The Twitter Party

During social media bootcamp at Katie Wagner Social Media, we provide expert tricks of the trade to hundreds of business owners to support them on their journey to become a leading online presence in their field. Out of the four social media channels that we focus on during bootcamp, Twitter is one of the most […]

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