5 Ways to Make Your Tweets Stand Out
Twitter is a great platform to start conversations and listen in on what is important to your audience. If you position your business as an expert in your industry, you may find that tweets serve as little nuggets of information, valuable to your followers and people searching for the topics you’re discussing. Despite having […]
How to Write Tweets That Engage
Twitter can be a valuable social channel for your business. It’s a laid back approach to connecting with your audiences and having real conversations. However, the lifespan of a tweet is much shorter than a post on other social channels. This is why it’s so important to make every tweet count. Here are some tips […]
How to Start Tweeting
So you’ve got your Twitter account, but you’re not exactly sure what to do with it. Are tumbleweeds blowing through your account because you’re not sure how to get involved in this “tweeting” concept? Twitter is a great place to find information, but if you want people to interact with you, you’re going to have […]
Finding a Targeted Audience on Twitter
You’ve heard it again and again, that Twitter is a great channel for finding, connecting and conversing with other people. With millions of users, Twitter can undoubtedly be overwhelming, so where do you even begin to find the right, targeted people that you’d want to talk to? Here are three ways to join in on […]
3 Steps to Becoming a Better Tweeter
Twitter, at its bare bones, is a relatively simple concept. You follow your buddies, and then type 140-character messages that broadcast to the world about what you’re up to. Easy, right? This method works fine if you’re only using Twitter for personal reasons, like if you wanted to document your daily activities for future reference. […]