Content Creation: A Guide to Engaging Your Audience

content creation engaging audience featured

How should you approach content creation for marketing to engage your audience? Businesses that aren’t growing their audience or generating leads through engaging content — or aren’t creating content at all — are in danger of falling behind competitors who know how to get prospects’ attention in ads and through organic search results. The simple […]

How to Collect Leads Through Social Media

A man winning a giveaway that he entered as a result of B2B Lead Generation Marketing

New business is something all companies look for in their marketing efforts. While social media can be a key tool for branding and connecting with your audience, it can also be used as a lead generation method. Here’s how to collect leads through social media. Establish Your Brand Voice Your brand voice reflects your company’s […]

Marketing Lead Generation Tips for Digital Fundraising Campaigns

Marketing lead generation tips for a fundraising campaign

Attracting and engaging potential donors is a strategic combination of communication and persuasion, where understanding and applying the nuances of marketing lead generation can make all the difference. Whether you’re a nonprofit organization or a business raising money for a special cause, your fundraising campaign must accomplish two key objectives — connect with potential donors […]

How Employer Branding Helps With Employee Retention

  Do you find yourself in a never-ending cycle of hiring just to see your top talent walk out the door? You’re not alone. Organizations everywhere are grappling with unprecedented turnover rates, leaving them caught in a whirlwind of soaring recruitment costs, declining productivity, and plummeting morale. Employee retention takes effort, and given the stakes, […]

How Employer Branding Helps Attract New Talent and Retain Top Talent

Building a birdhouse to attract birds, the same way employer branding attracts candidates.

Employer branding is a lot like a birdhouse. Building a good one requires time, planning, and care. Why all the effort? Because you know that a well-constructed birdhouse will not only attract a variety of birds but also encourage them to stay, build a nest, and become long-term residents of your backyard. The same holds […]

Social Media Case Study: Using Compelling Stories to Craft Engaging Content

At KWSM, we know that original content is crucial for establishing our clients as leaders in their industries. In every piece of content, whether it be a blog post, social media post, white paper, eBook, newsletter, or video, our goal is to provide valuable information for the client’s target audience that showcases their brand and […]

What Does it Cost to Send a Press Release?

A message in a bottle, floating out in the open ocean, lost at sea

Are you on the brink of a big breakthrough for your business, or are you ready to launch a new product but don’t know how to announce it from the rooftops? A press release is a great way to get in front of the media and your target audience and gain much-needed credibility. This is […]

5 Ways to Use Images to Improve Your Content

use images to improve your content

For business owners, creating quality content is vital to engaging with our audience and attracting new customers. You might obsess over crafting the perfect blog post or creating visually stimulating social media content but often overlook one of the most critical features — pictures! As the Director of Content for KWSM, I’ve seen how big […]

Should You Hire A Digital Marketing Agency?

As a business owner, you are likely wearing a lot of different hats at your company. It can be overwhelming to take on responsibilities that don’t fall in line with your core strengths or passions.  Marketing tends to be one of those tasks that business owners know is necessary for the health of the company, […]

Brand Journalism in Action: Using Story to Grow Sales

Journalism and marketing have worked hand-in-hand together since the horse-and-buggy days. Brand journalism, however, takes marketing to the next level by using story to grow sales directly. As a Senior Copywriter at KWSM, I’ve seen brand journalism generate successful results for companies of all shapes and sizes. From marketplace awareness to product sales, brand journalism […]

Core Values at KWSM a digital marketing agency