Keeping Fans Engaged on Facebook to Boost Your Organic Reach

It may seem like establishing a presence on Facebook is impossible without paid posts. Even though social media has become a ‘pay to play’ game for many brands, organic content is still useful if you are able to keep your fans engaged. If you’re able to post interesting content, you can spark up a conversation […]

Instagram: What To Think About Before You Join

Did you know one billion people use Instagram every month? Instagram is also the second-most downloaded free app in the Apple app store after YouTube. It’s estimated that in the year 2020, 75% of U.S. businesses will be on Instagram. If you’ve been thinking about joining the popular social media platform but are feeling overwhelmed, […]

Facebook and YouTube Try to Protect Their Users While Pinterest Helps Advertisers

In the news this week, you will learn how Facebook and YouTube are promoting the safety of their users and what Pinterest is working on for advertisers that use their platform. Facebook Responds to October Open Letter On Monday, Facebook created a response to the October Open Letter that they received from Barr global leaders. […]

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