Why Every Marketer Needs to be A Journalist

When I made the leap from journalism to marketing, I got a lot of wisecracks from my newsroom colleagues. ‘Oh, you’ve crossed over to the dark side,’ they said. They wondered how I would be able to ‘sell things’ when so much of my career was focused on objective reporting. But as a journalist I […]

Social Media and You

Social media has blossomed from its early origins of sites like Xanga and Myspace to a more relevant marketing phenomenon.   Businesses and marketers have endless tools at their fingertips that facilitate nationwide and even global recognition.  Social media has leaped across borders, has united societies and has brought a whole new x factor to marketing.  […]

Don't Use Automated Messages

You’ve seen them. You’ve deleted them. You’ve rebuffed them. They are the abominable automated direct messages in your Twitter inbox. I don’t know about you, but whenever I see automated messages, I have no hesitation in clicking the trashcan icon; Why bother opening up something that is impersonal anyway? Still, the automated message is as […]

Why I’m Wary About Scheduling Facebook Posts

Facebook rolled out some new changes the other day, including stronger initiatives for advertising through promoted posts, new admin “roles” for Pages, and post scheduling. In the past, we’ve always discouraged people against scheduling their Facebook content ahead of time. Facebook did not have a native option to schedule posts, so people used third-party syndicator […]

Who's in Charge of Your Brand?

Katie sent us all a great article from the Content Marketing Institute that talks about the importance of brand consistency across social media. Like products, people and companies, brands have reputations and personalities too, and a brand’s voice must always stay genuine, consistent and true in order for it to succeed. Our client list at […]

My Day with Working Wardrobes

I have known about Working Wardrobes for a while now.  I have donated clothes to them through their boutique stores “The Hanger” and have always known they are a quality organization.  However, I had no idea just how much they do and provide for their ‘clients’. This weekend I was able to fully experience what […]

Are You Using LinkedIn Groups?

Have you been utilizing the Groups feature on LinkedIn? Groups is a powerful way to make connections and network with people, but is often an overlooked feature. You see, networking on LinkedIn can be a little tricky. LinkedIn is like the professional big brother of Facebook. It’s all business, a little play, but strictly no horsing […]

One Big Thing You Might be Missing on your Facebook Fan Page

When Facebook switched all fan pages to the timeline, they made some major changes.  Some are more obvious than others (like the cover photo), while others are more subtle.  With all these changes, there is quite the learning curve. There is one feature that we have found gets overlooked more often than not.  And this […]

3 Reasons Why You Should Blog

Blogging. You see everyone and every business do it, and you’re probably thinking, “There are millions of blogs out there, why do I need to jump on the bandwagon?”  Well, there’s a reason (or three) that so many people are taking up blogging, and I’ll tell you why you should be doing it too. Blogging […]

Core Values at KWSM a digital marketing agency