Push vs Pull Marketing

Historically, “push marketing” meant creating a message that people would see in their everyday life. Today, with the advent of social media, “pull marketing” has become a more effective strategy.  By creating content that people intentionally seek out, you give greater context to  your media, which leads to greater retention.           […]

Taking “Selfies” Seriously: Social Media Lends Credibility to Small Business

Because it’s the birthplace of such cultural phenomena as the “selfie,” lip dub videos, and the ice bucket challenge, one of the biggest myths about social media is that it couldn’t possibly be taken seriously in the business realm. Won’t a business presence on social media seem frivolous, unprofessional, or even self-indulgent next to a […]

3 Ways to Leverage Facebook to Hire Your Next Rockstar Employee

If you own a business, chances are you’re already aware of Facebook’s importance in growing your brand’s recognition. But did you know this platform can also play a crucial role in growing your company? We’re talking about using Facebook to help you scout new employees. While it’s wise to use all your social media channels […]

3 Fears Keeping Businesses Off Social Media

Despite the ever-growing popularity of social media, many business owners are reluctant to establish an online social presence. Some can’t recognize the value of social media and others are simply afraid to branch outside of traditional marketing techniques. All the while, these business owners are missing out on a big opportunity to reach new clients […]

3 Ways To Use YouTube Cards To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Want to get the most out of your YouTube videos?  YouTube cards are an extremely powerful way to maximize your marketing efforts on the channel. It can be hard to drive traffic to your website from your YouTube Channel. Usually, you would have to hope that a person remembers your website address or checks the […]

YouTube: 10 Best Practices

For a small business that would like to add a personal feel to their branding, there is no better medium than YouTube. With more than a billion users, YouTube is an incredibly effective way of reaching the masses. Still, creating quality video content can be intimidating, especially if you are unsure where and how to […]

How to Manually Edit Pictures on Instagram

Whenever a new update comes up on Instagram, one of the first things that people talk about is how many filters have been added to the palate. Instagram filters are a great way to make your pictures look fantastic, but one often-overlooked capability on the platform is the ability to customize your pictures in very […]

DAMAGE CONTROL: 5 Tips to Keep Your Social Media Faux Pas from Turning into a PR Disaster

It happens: the insensitive tweet, the inappropriate comment, the unfortunate typo. Just as in real life, blunders are inevitable on social media and can happen to anyone. Sometimes it’s the result of a poorly thought out idea, sometimes the intent is good but the message is misunderstood, other times it’s just an overlooked spelling mistake. […]

Avoid Making These Mistakes On Instagram

With over 300 million users, Instagram has become a vital resource for businesses to grow brand awareness and connect with clients. Instagram can be an especially valuable tool for visual businesses, such as retail stores, photographers, and chefs. Despite the many advantages Instagram offers, there are still many business owners who don’t utilize this social […]

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