Effective Marketing Alternatives for Businesses During the COVID-19 Pandemic
With the widespread coronavirus outbreak sweeping the globe, the impact of this pandemic is not only affecting the health of billions of people but also the viability of many businesses. As the push for social distancing increases, we’ve seen the cancellation of trade shows, networking events, and other business events where large groups would typically […]
How To Craft A Landing Page That Converts
This year, KWSM launched its very own internal mentorship program where team members have the opportunity to mentor or be a mentee for a particular area of digital marketing. For this inaugural go round, I chose to be a student of web development, with a focus on creating a high-converting landing page. I have a […]
KWSM Mentorship Program: Designing Landing Pages That Convert
At KWSM, we have a mentorship program that allows team members to learn from each other. I was paired up with Princess Ruff, a Digital Marketing Strategist at KWSM Atlanta, who wanted to learn about how to make website landing pages that convert. As her mentor, I took the skills and experience of our team […]