Brand Journalism in Action: Using Story to Grow Sales

Journalism and marketing have worked hand-in-hand together since the horse-and-buggy days. Brand journalism, however, takes marketing to the next level by using story to grow sales directly. As a Senior Copywriter at KWSM, I’ve seen brand journalism generate successful results for companies of all shapes and sizes. From marketplace awareness to product sales, brand journalism […]

3 Benefits of Brand Journalism for Small Businesses

How does brand journalism benefit small businesses in comparison to other content marketing methods? There are a lot of ways to approach digital marketing, both from a strategic and tactical perspective. After seeing some of those approaches at other agencies, I joined KWSM as a Senior Copywriter in part because of the opportunity to tell […]

1 Key Question to Start Every Small Business Marketing Campaign

As part of a marketing mentorship program, KWSM Digital Marketing Specialist David Jones maps out a landing page wireframe on a whiteboard before launching a small business marketing campaign.

Having just completed the KWSM Mentorship Program with Senior Copywriter Suzie Harrison, I’m excited to share the key takeaways that help me understand what makes customers buy. Once you know this, you can begin shaping marketing initiatives that speak to their needs and motivate them to purchase from you rather than your competitor. In our […]

Core Values at KWSM a digital marketing agency