How To Make Your Website Stand Out

Having a clean website can play such a huge part in your conversion rate each month. We want our websites to provide good information about the services or products we offer, but we must execute a few easy design practices to ensure that consumers are pleased with the way we are presenting information to them […]

Audience Targeting 101: How Building A Customer Profile Can Help


When it comes to effective marketing, audience targeting is the key to success. If you’re building a marketing strategy from the ground up or are looking to refresh your current marketing strategy, building customer profiles are a great place to start. Read on to discover what they are and how you can begin using them […]

Website Digital Marketing: The Centerpoint of Your Online Presence

While it’s great to have a healthy social media presence, eye-catching graphics, and a big email list, these things are all for naught without an attractive, functional, and user-friendly website. Let’s take a look at the importance of effective website digital marketing. Here at KWSM, we tell our clients that their websites are the “hub” […]

Core Values at KWSM a digital marketing agency