Choosing The Correct Social Media Channels

The constantly changing landscape of social media means that there isa virtually endless number channels available today. Business owners should be constantly evaluating what channels are most effective in order to reach the largest possible audience.  Often times the same content may be more effective on another channel, or can be shared across multiple platforms […]

Use Feedback to Create Better Content

Frequent users of social media may have been offered unsolicited advice from one of online followers. Rather than writing these opinions off, consider using the suggestions as a form of market research.  Ask for feedback, poll your audience, and engage your followers to contribute to your channel.  You will not only increase your fanbase, but you may […]

Google My Business

Google has combined the capabilities of several services to bring online marketers a new platform called “Google My Business.”  This platform incorporates Google+, Google Places, Google Search into the same interface. It allows business owners to create consistent branding across all Google services at the same time. Photo Credit:kekokky

Push vs Pull Marketing

Historically, “push marketing” meant creating a message that people would see in their everyday life. Today, with the advent of social media, “pull marketing” has become a more effective strategy.  By creating content that people intentionally seek out, you give greater context to  your media, which leads to greater retention.           […]

Youtube Channel Keywords

In the same way that keywords help viewers find videos, they can also help potential subscribers more easily find your channel on search engines. That’s why it’s important to add keywords to your Youtube channel and optimize your account for search. Make sure your videos translate into subscribers!     Photo Credit: yasminpiano

Optimize Your Pictures For Pinterest

If your company uses Pinterest for business, one way to get your pictures noticed is to optimize the shape of the image. Pinterest allows only allows images to be a fixed width, but they can be an unlimited height. By modifying the aspect ratio of the image to be taller than wider, it will take […]

Twitter Cards

Containing your ideas to 140 characters on Twitter can be a challenge.  Fortunately, there is an alternative.  Twitter cards allow you to publish pictures, videos, and links on twitter that appear in the same feed as text tweets.  By using Twitter Cards, you will enable yourself to publish a wider variety of content and stand out […]

Pay Attention To The Structure Of Social Media Posts

When creating content for social media, “how you say it” is just as important as “what you say.” Taking a few extra minutes to write concisely and clearly can be the difference between followers becoming engaged or losing interest.  Make sure your posts get noticed!   Photo Credit: @therailers

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