KWSM Mentorship Program: Email Marketing

KWSM Mentorship Program: Email Marketing

This year, I got the chance to participate in the KWSM Mentorship Program. I was paired up with Dalia Grelin, a Digital Marketing Strategist who is passionate about email marketing. As a web designer/developer, I had some previous email marketing experience so the mentorship turned out to be more collaborative than was originally planned – […]

KWSM Recognized as a Top Digital Marketing Agency in Atlanta

We are honored to announce that KWSM: a digital marketing agency has recently been named one of the 10 best digital marketing agencies in Atlanta, Georgia. This award comes from DesignRush, an independent company that evaluates the most qualified agencies around the United States.  Agencies are evaluated by: Category (digital marketing, branding, logo design, etc.) […]

Core Values at KWSM a digital marketing agency