Push vs Pull Marketing

Historically, “push marketing” meant creating a message that people would see in their everyday life. Today, with the advent of social media, “pull marketing” has become a more effective strategy.  By creating content that people intentionally seek out, you give greater context to  your media, which leads to greater retention.           […]

Need Clients? Work Your Social Media.

If you think of your website as the credibility piece in your marketing plan, you can think of your social media presence as your authenticity piece. In today’s world, people demand to know more about the things they purchase, and especially the people they purchase them from. Why? Because they can. Now that a social media presence is becoming standard equipment for businesses, consumers can build a deeper connection with the brands they interact with. Today’s ‘marketing’ consists of daily conversation with customers on social channels. Those customers want to see the faces and hear the voices of the people behind your company. They want to read things you’ve written. They want to read things other people have said about you.

Why Should I Blog? | Blogging Advice

The team here at KWSM is all taking the Inbound Marketing certification course over at IMU, and the first session was about blogging.  Now, we’re seasoned experts with blogging (have you seen ours?), but we did get some pretty good information from our first Inbound Marketing class.  We take blogging for granted because it has […]

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