3 Ways You Can Increase Engagement and Followers on Instagram

3 Ways You Can Increase Engagement and Followers on Instagram

Show of hands: how many of us remove a photo from Instagram after it doesn’t get more than six likes? Many millennials don’t hesitate to hit delete when their post doesn’t do so well and if you manage an Instagram business page, chances are you understand their frustration to a certain degree. You post an […]

5 Instagram Tricks You Never Knew Existed

Sure, you know the Instagram basics. In fact, you might even consider yourself something of an Instagram aficionado…but the popular photo-sharing app has a few lesser-known features that even the most experienced user might not know… Lucky for you, we’re going to spill the best-kept secrets in social media to simplify your ‘gramming ways!   […]

Facebook Messenger Ads Go Global: What Advertisers Needs To Know

Facebook is giving advertisers direct access to an entirely new demographic thanks to its global expansion of ads directly from within Messenger. Meanwhile, Pinterest is letting users search for specific styles and content in a new way thanks to newly released AI powered “West Elm Style Finder,” and Instagram is letting users get creative with […]

Influencer Marketing Strategies to make your Partnership More Effective

Influencer Marketing Strategies to make your Partnership More Effective

As you might have noticed from the increased #ads on your Instagram feed, influencer marketing has grown as one of the most popular advertising strategies for many small businesses and large companies alike. With the rise of social media, many people began to establish themselves as online personalities, gaining the trust of a dedicated audience who […]

Put Out the Fire: How to Respond to Angry Customers on Social Media

Put Out the Fire: How to Respond to Angry Customers on Social Media

Instagram is standing up to social media bullies and trolls with its latest update. The visual platform is releasing a tool that allows users to block out offensive comments. We’re sure celebrities around the country are rejoicing over this one—no need to try and silence the haters when the Gram does it for you! But […]

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