Why Having a Responsive Website Matters

Like the terms “cloud” or “big data,” “responsive” is a common buzzword in the vernacular of the internet, often used and rarely understood. But buzzwords don’t become popular for no reason, and it’s important to understand the value of this particular element of your website. What does “responsive” mean? Simply put, responsive web design refers […]

Social Media Tips for Hair Salons

It’s practically science: people can’t help but snap a selfie when they’re looking and feeling wonderful. The salon check-in has become a right of passage for social media users updating their look, and is almost always followed up with a myriad of compliments from their friends. Beyond showing off a new style, clients are ultimately […]

Customers are Researching Your Company on Social Media

Whether you like it or not, potential customers can and will research your business on those platforms. Make sure to maintain your business image and reputation by staying active in the online community   Photo Credit: @bronwynkemp

5 Tactics to Spice Up Your Twitter Content

Are you looking for more creative ways to spark up engagement with your Twitter followers? Brainstorming interesting content ideas isn’t always easy and limiting those ideas to 140 characters creates even more of a challenge. Fortunately, we have 5 different methods you can use to generate more engagement with your audience. 1. A Peak Behind […]

Including Keywords on Your YouTube Channel

There is one thing that almost every YouTube channel I look at is missing… keywords. I’m not talking about tags on videos – those are important too, but most people include a few of those. I’m talking about keywords for the channel itself. Most people don’t realize you can include keywords for the channel and […]

Discover Valuable Content with LinkedIn Pulse

Are you looking for a great way to gather the most useful news and information for your industry? Look no further than LinkedIn Pulse! Not only is the tool a convenient way to catch information from multiple thought leaders in one place, but it’s a great source for finding valuable content that can be shared […]

Twitter Cards: The Secret to a Longer Tweet

Have you ever wished that you could add more than 140 characters and a picture to a tweet? If the answer is yes, then Twitter cards are the solution. What Can Twitter Cards Do? Twitter cards allow you to tweet well beyond the basic text and image format that you are used to on Twitter. […]

Facebook's "Say Thanks" Lets Users Send Personalized Video Cards

The world of social media is always renewing itself in some way or another. With frequent updates and resurfacing content, it can be hard to keep up with on a daily basis. It’s important to stay informed of the current issues and trends so that your social media presence stays relevant. Using social media is one […]

5 Ways to Add Holiday Cheer to Your Social Media

With Thanksgiving only two weeks away, we are officially in the holiday season. But of course you already knew that because all the stores have their decorations out, holiday drinks are being served at Starbucks, and lights are beginning to show up on homes and in shopping centers. Bottom line: everyone is getting into the […]

How to Avoid Using Restricted Images in Your Blogs

It’s easy to play fast and loose with the images you use on your blog or website.  There are countless websites out there, what are the odds of a stock image site catching you use their images? Unfortunately, they’re pretty good.  Demand letters from stock photo sources are becoming an all-too-common occurrence in the mailboxes […]

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