Who's in Charge of Your Brand?

Katie sent us all a great article from the Content Marketing Institute that talks about the importance of brand consistency across social media. Like products, people and companies, brands have reputations and personalities too, and a brand’s voice must always stay genuine, consistent and true in order for it to succeed. Our client list at […]

Are You Using LinkedIn Groups?

Have you been utilizing the Groups feature on LinkedIn? Groups is a powerful way to make connections and network with people, but is often an overlooked feature. You see, networking on LinkedIn can be a little tricky. LinkedIn is like the professional big brother of Facebook. It’s all business, a little play, but strictly no horsing […]

3 Reasons Why You Should Blog

Blogging. You see everyone and every business do it, and you’re probably thinking, “There are millions of blogs out there, why do I need to jump on the bandwagon?”  Well, there’s a reason (or three) that so many people are taking up blogging, and I’ll tell you why you should be doing it too. Blogging […]

Keep Your Twitter Organized!

Staying organized from the get-go will make your life a lot easier down the road. Case in point (or a cautionary tale, rather): When tax season came around this year, I realized that my imprudent negligence of bookkeeping during the past year really kicked my behind. I got a similar feeling when I took over […]

Not All Social Media Agencies Are the Same

These days there are lots of social media companies out there. Many of them will offer to run your social media accounts for you.  But what does that mean?   Perhaps they will write posts on your page, but often those posts are scheduled through a syndication program like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck. (They don’t tell […]

Repurpose Your Content!

Do you recycle, reduce and reuse? Earth Day may have been last week, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be constantly incorporating these concepts into your life. And by life, I also mean your digital life! Yes, this same dictum can be applied to the content that you use for your social media. There […]

Buying Facebook Fans

Just don’t do it. The key component of social media is the “social” aspect of it– that is, to interact with other people and to be, well, social. Purchasing your fans gives you no advantage in social media, only to seemingly build up your numbers and to give the illusion that you have worked hard […]

Not All Social Media Agencies and Services Are the Same

Working for a social media agency where we take our practice extremely seriously, it’s not a surprise that I feel irked when I see Internet “marketers” blithely tack on social media as an add-on service to their list of professions. It’s not an elitist thing, but the truth is nowadays everybody and their moms tout […]

Simple Strategies to Start on Social Media

If you’re new to using social media for your business, it can admittedly be overwhelming.  I have friends, long time college veterans of Facebook, who have disabled their Facebook accounts for personal reasons, only to come back later, barraged with all of the changes that Facebook invariably throws at us. If my friends, who I […]

Where Do You Find Content?

There is an abundance of information and content floating around in the internet, but the question is, what is the best? Surely, we all don’t have time to go aimlessly searching for good articles, links, facts and information everyday to find something to populate our social media content. Here are some ways that can help […]

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