Should My Business Take the Plunge into Automated Marketing?

man plunging into blue ocean water

Automated marketing may sound complicated, but more businesses are opting to use it in their digital marketing strategies. It is a great tool that is a good return-on-investment, makes processes more effective, and gathers data on people who are valuable to your business.  If you’re unsure about taking the plunge into automation, we’ve listed a […]

Why Should Businesses Use Social Media?

Why Should Businesses Use Social Media?

Social media is a powerful tool your business should be using. With more than 3 billion people using social media across the globe, channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram will help you expand your customer base, easily share your story, and increase your brand awareness.  Improve Your Digital Presence When people are looking […]

Essential SEO Elements to Strengthen Your Blogging Efforts

Essential SEO Elements to Strengthen Your Blogging Efforts

While many people understand the basic concept of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), most people don’t fully understand its potential impact or how easily it can be implemented into their current blogging efforts. If you haven’t already incorporated blogging into your marketing strategy, now is the time to start.  When it comes to SEO, blogging is […]

How to Use Social Media to Get Feedback From Customers

Businesses are more focused than ever on perfecting their customers’ experience. Collecting customer feedback for opinions on your brand, service, and product has become essential.   Taking these efforts to social media can be a great way to meet consumers where they are. With 3.8 billion people utilizing these platforms, there is no better place to […]

How To Make Your Website Stand Out

Having a clean website can play such a huge part in your conversion rate each month. We want our websites to provide good information about the services or products we offer, but we must execute a few easy design practices to ensure that consumers are pleased with the way we are presenting information to them […]

Audience Targeting 101: How Building A Customer Profile Can Help


When it comes to effective marketing, audience targeting is the key to success. If you’re building a marketing strategy from the ground up or are looking to refresh your current marketing strategy, building customer profiles are a great place to start. Read on to discover what they are and how you can begin using them […]

Website Digital Marketing: The Centerpoint of Your Online Presence

While it’s great to have a healthy social media presence, eye-catching graphics, and a big email list, these things are all for naught without an attractive, functional, and user-friendly website. Let’s take a look at the importance of effective website digital marketing. Here at KWSM, we tell our clients that their websites are the “hub” […]

Should My Business Have a Podcast?

podcast microphone in front of small workspace area

Businesses these days are abuzz with thoughts of starting a podcast. Before you jump on the podcast train, it’s important to understand your capabilities and responsibilities in the long-term. After all, having an idea and following through with it are two different things. We’ve listed a few questions you should address as you consider starting […]

What is Text Message Marketing?

what is text message marketing

As consumers depend more and more on mobile devices, text message marketing is giving businesses the ability to reach customers instantly. On average, 26 billion text messages are sent every day. As a result, these campaigns are known to perform seven times better than traditional email marketing campaigns. Here are ways you can begin incorporating […]

3 Ways to Write Better Blogs


Are you writing blogs for your business? Blogging for your website is one of the best ways to improve SEO and offer education to help your audience learn more about your area of expertise. Even if you’ve been blogging for a while, there are always ways to improve your efforts. Once you’ve got the basics down, […]

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