Do You Have a Social Media Plan?

Odds are, you don’t.  Most of the people we have talked to don’t have a plan regarding their social media.  They open their computer, login to Facebook, and then start thinking about what to write.  Then they say that social media doesn’t work.  OF COURSE IT DOESN’T WORK!  Well, it doesn’t work if you don’t […]

Are You Being 'Social' on Social Media?

Something that I continue to come back to time and again is the concept that social media is all about being social.  Simple, right?  Then why isn’t everyone doing it?  Why is the vast majority of content thrown onto a page or scheduled, and then never looked at again?  If I wanted a news source, […]

Thank You, Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs passing away leaves me with an inexplicably poignant and empty feeling, the same kind of feeling I get whenever I finish reading a long novel, like I’m saying goodbye to the characters that I had grown to know so well.  It’s silly, really, feeling these sentiments—fictional characters are but made up, and of […]

Confessing My Angry Birds Addiction

They say the first step in getting over an addiction is admitting you have a problem. I have a problem. That’s right.  I am 100% through and through addicted to Angry Birds.  Yes, it’s cute, yes, it’s fun, but it should not be as addictive as it is.  The whole time I am playing, all […]

Do You Want to… MeetUp?

Meetup is a social media channel that’s often ignored by business owners. But it can actually help you demonstrate your expertise, find potential customers and clients, and monetize your Meetup. Mel Kotlyar, Founder of Meetup Zoo, explains how to do it!

Work ON Your Social Media, Not In It

I had the opportunity to see Michael E. Gerber, the author of the E-Myth, speak the other day. I have read his book, but hearing him speak was a entirely different experience. Inspiring, thought provoking, and motivating don’t even begin to describe it. His message was so much bigger than just how to make money […]

New Article: DON'T Be Social

I was perusing the MSN website this morning, when I came across this little gem of an article.  The title is Social Media Can Kill Your Career, But Not the Way You Think. Hmm, I think, probably another article about why you shouldn’t post pictures of the last time you got hammered with your buddies […]

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