4 Tactics To Incorporate The Holidays In Your Marketing Strategy
The holiday season is upon us, and that means we’re down to the wire to effectively execute your holiday marketing strategies. If you’re offering seasonal deals or discounts, strategizing your campaigns needs to be done well before those promotions actually start. If you are only just getting around to thinking about the holidays, here are […]
Holiday Digital Marketing Best Practices
November is here, and it marks the beginning of the holiday season. With so many holidays and National Days happening in the coming weeks, are you incorporating them into your marketing messaging? Doing so is an easy (and essential) way to connect with your target audience during this time of the year, even if your […]
Social Media New Year's Resolutions
‘Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions! Just as you set goals for yourself going into 2017, your business can benefit from social media goal-setting. There’s no better time to kick the bad habits and position your brand for social success. There’s always room for better content, more engagement, and innovative approaches! Define Your Social […]
Instagram Comment Likes, Twitter News Alerts, and Facebook Greetings Cards | Social Media Trends
Instagram is taking after parent company Facebook with a new “likes” feature as well as making it easier for users to report abusive content. Meanwhile, Twitter is taking a new approach to breaking news alerts, and Facebook is getting into the holiday spirit with holiday greeting cards and new ways to share moments. This is […]
Five Tips for How Businesses Can Celebrate the Holidays on Social Media
Tis the season for savvy social media campaigns, which means businesses must identify creative and festive ways to connect and engage with their customers. It is important for businesses to make these connections authentic and avoid decking their customers’ Instagram feeds with colorful lights or overloading their Twitter feeds with candy canes and tinsel to […]
How Social Listening Can Transform Your Business
Do you hear that? That’s the sound of your audience talking to you online. Are you listening? Social media is about more than just creating and distributing content. Sure, you can run successful social media platforms by publishing posts and replying to comments, but is your business benefiting from everything social media has to offer […]
Convert Your Instagram Followers Into Loyal Customers
You know those Instagram followers who look but don’t touch? They scroll through their feed and lurk on profiles for hours on end without so much as liking a single picture. It’s one of the biggest social media pet peeves of marketers and brands. Instagram can be tricky when it comes to marketing your brand […]
How to Use Live Video For Your Business
Every social media platform seems to be concentrating on offering live content sharing! Most recently, Twitter announced its new live video feature that joins Instagram and Facebook when it comes to having live video capability. So if your business wants to maximize its exposure on social media, it is time take your content real-time […]