LinkedIn Providing More Information to Job Seekers; Will it grow channel?

Photo Credit: Instagram / blakescott_

LinkedIn is hoping that a bolstered job board will bring more users, and more importantly more frequent users to the platform. It’s one of the trending stories in social media this week. LinkedIn Introduces Salary Insights LinkedIn is bolstering its job platform by overhauling its LinkedIn Salary tool and introducing Salary Insights. The new feature […]

Facebook Cleans Up Its Ad Metrics

Facebook is getting a head start on spring-cleaning! The social network is decluttering the Ads Manager in an effort to streamline the way businesses measure their ad campaign performance. Facebook will be removing any metrics they see as redundant, outdated, not actionable, or infrequently used, starting in July of 2018. Doing so will make it […]

Three Ways to Make Your Brand Pop

When you’re walking through a farmers market, the vendor that catches your eye the most is the one that you’ve seen previously in multiple places. This is due to that vendor creating a brand and telling their story through their design and marketing. If you want to make your brand stand out from the crowd, […]

Get The Most Out Of Instagram With Quality Hashtags

  Instagram is a massive platform, one with incredibly engaged users, and a chance to show off your company visually. It can bring out personality for your brand, connect you to popular influencers, and open your brand up to millions of potential customers. But what if your follower count isn’t growing? One of the biggest […]

Long Live Social Media Lists: Facebook Adds Popular Feature

Photo Credit: Instagram / ritainspace

If you are an avid blogger or a reader of blogs, you no doubt are familiar with Listicles, write-ups on social that offer you content like, “the 27 best vacation spots,” or “the 18 famous athletes with their own brands.”   Facebook is bringing the popular format to its platform. It’s one of the social media […]

How To Keep Your Business Page On Facebook’s Good Side

Facebook is a business’s best friend, but it can be a fickle friend at times. Anyone who has spent time in Business Pages knows Facebook is always changing or experimenting with something new. Keeping up with the algorithm changes alone is a full-time job (literally…we do this for a living). Before you let Facebook get […]

Picture Perfect | 3 Reasons You Should Have a Professional Headshot

You invest in your business, training for your employees, technology for your departments, but as the face of your company, are you investing in a professional headshot? If you strive to be seen as a leader in your industry, your image should reflect your capabilities as an expert. 3 reasons why you should be investing […]

3 Ways You Can Increase Engagement and Followers on Instagram

3 Ways You Can Increase Engagement and Followers on Instagram

Show of hands: how many of us remove a photo from Instagram after it doesn’t get more than six likes? Many millennials don’t hesitate to hit delete when their post doesn’t do so well and if you manage an Instagram business page, chances are you understand their frustration to a certain degree. You post an […]

5 Instagram Tricks You Never Knew Existed

Sure, you know the Instagram basics. In fact, you might even consider yourself something of an Instagram aficionado…but the popular photo-sharing app has a few lesser-known features that even the most experienced user might not know… Lucky for you, we’re going to spill the best-kept secrets in social media to simplify your ‘gramming ways!   […]

Facebook Messenger Ads Go Global: What Advertisers Needs To Know

Facebook is giving advertisers direct access to an entirely new demographic thanks to its global expansion of ads directly from within Messenger. Meanwhile, Pinterest is letting users search for specific styles and content in a new way thanks to newly released AI powered “West Elm Style Finder,” and Instagram is letting users get creative with […]

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