One Big Thing You Might be Missing on your Facebook Fan Page

May 2012

tips for facebook, orange county social media consultant, katie wagner social media

When Facebook switched all fan pages to the timeline, they made some major changes.  Some are more obvious than others (like the cover photo), while others are more subtle.  With all these changes, there is quite the learning curve.

There is one feature that we have found gets overlooked more often than not.  And this is definitely not a feature that should be overlooked!

So here we go.  There is a button  at the very top of the timeline but below the apps and about section.

It is automatically set to ‘highlights’ which shows your most popular posts, and also a couple boxes that show the pages your page likes, comments by others and recommendations.

tips for facebook, orange county social media consultant, katie wagner social media

What’s important to note is that since it is simply ‘highlights’ that you have to sort by the other options in order to see everything.  If I were you, the first thing I would do after reading this is click on the button and sort by ‘posts by others’.  Chances are, there are people posting about you that are showing up that you might not even have known about. Here is a screenshot of our page showing the ‘posts by others’.

tips for facebook, orange county social media consultant, katie wagner social media


It’s important to take a few minutes every day to respond and interact with those people.  If they find it valuable enough to actually post on YOUR page, then you need to talk to them.  Because I guarantee you, if you don’t respond, they will never want to post on your page again!

I also recommend looking at the other options.  ‘post by page’ will show ALL of your posts, not just the most popular ones.  This is good for when you need to look back to find a post from weeks or months ago.

The last option is ‘friend activity’.  This allows you to see what only your friends are saying about your page.  Good for tracking which friends get the good presents at Christmas!

As with everything on Facebook, there will probably be more major changes sometime in the next six months, but until then, be sure to be checking your page frequently to make sure you are interacting with those who want to interact with you already!

Katie Wagner Social Media Blog, stephen wagner, social media





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