Hoax Leads to Facebook Hysteria

Oct 2015

This week, a privacy scare may have had you hitting copy and paste while a new Facebook feature could put your profile picture in a whole new dimension. Here’s a look at the latest social media news that could change the way you post!

Fake Privacy Scare on Facebook

Photo Credit: @slippedintocynicism

While scrolling through your newsfeed this week you’ve undoubtedly seen posts that read:

“As of September 28 2015 8:50 pm Eastern standard time, I do not give Facebook or any entities associated with Facebook permission to use my pictures, information, or posts, both past and future.”

You may have been one of the thousands of users who shared this digital declaration, but unfortunately your righteous rant has fallen on deaf ears. Facebook quickly released the following statement on Monday to rebuke the rumors they were changing any privacy settings:

“While there may be water on Mars, don’t believe everything you read on the Internet today. Facebook is free and it always will be. And the thing about copying and pasting a legal notice is just a hoax. Stay safe out there Earthlings!”

Under Facebook’s terms of service you will still find the following statement:

“You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it is shared through your privacy and application settings.”

Add Some Pep to Your Profile Pic

On Wednesday, Facebook announced a new feature that could truly bring your profile picture to life! “Soon, you’ll be able to film a short, looping video clip that will play for anyone who visits your profile,” the social media giant explained in a recent blog post.

Facebook is also rolling out a new profile feature for those of you who can’t decide which picture to choose. Soon, you will be able to temporarily change your profile picture for a certain number of days until it reverts back to your permanent choice. This new feature will be ideal for sports fans, special events, and those of you who love to switch it up.

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